My name is Tana (she/her) and I am a process oriented facilitator, coach, and training psychotherapist working with individuals and groups.
I believe that each of us has the deep capacity for aliveness, inner care and strength. I am interested in facilitating capacity for what is hard and what is joyful in the midst of the complexity and chaos of these times. I love working with both individuals and groups and have experience working with trauma, anxiety, consent, burnout, chronic illnesses and symptoms, connecting with lifepath and inspiration, and working against systemic violence.
My path here has been through following my own aliveness and getting to know myself as a body, working with trauma, grief, fear, chronic symptoms, and feeling and following deep embodied joy. My background is in anthropology and social research. From this I take awareness around systemic power, identity, and possibility into my work with individuals and groups.

My Approach
At the core of Processwork is the belief that exploring less know parts of our experiences can show us our paths forward towards deeper relationships with ourselves, each other, and the world. This interest in what is longing to be more known invites us to follow our sensory experiences thought movement, sound, dreams, symptoms, and relational dynamics. At the core of my work is exploring how we relate to ourselves and the inner dynamics we carry and have learned from our families and cultures.
I think a lot about being a body, and how deep awarness of being a body can inform how I show up for myself and the world.
My work centres curiosity and care. I practice with a trauma aware, embodied, and systemic lens.
Postgraduate Diploma in Process Oriented Psychology and Group Work, Research Society for Process Oriented Psychology (UKCP Accredited), London, 2019 - Present.
BA Social Anthropology and African Studies, SOAS University of London, 2018.
Global Coaching Institute Process Oriented Coaching (ICF Accredited), Levels 1-3, 2021.
Tapping Out of Trauma, 2021.
EFT Levels 1-3 and Matrix Reimprinting, EFTMRA, 2017.
Catching Fire Creative Facilitation Training, Whidbey Island, 2015.
I recieve regular supervision for all my work to ensure it remains ethical and that I am supported as a facilitator.

Information Policy
Information Policy
Emergencies > If you are in a crisis right now and need to talk to somebody immediately there are several options. In the UK Samaritans offer a 24 hour help line on 08457 90 90 90. There is also likely to be a local crisis Line in your area offering 24 hour advice and support on mental health issues. You can find this by searching online for Crisis Line + your area.
Emergencies > If you are in a crisis right now and need to talk to somebody immediately there are several options. In the UK Samaritans offer a 24 hour help line on 08457 90 90 90. There is also likely to be a local crisis Line in your area offering 24 hour advice and support on mental health issues. You can find this by searching online for Crisis Line + your area.